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  • Benefits of Using A Buyers Advocates Especially With A Property Valuation Background

Undoubtedly, the number one question that is asked of me is why do you still undertake property valuations and why has your property valuation service maintained its momentum in this environment when there is so much information for consumers on the Internet?

The simple and logical answer is that our property valuation services have been offered to the market place since 1996, when the company commenced operations.

Our property valuation services primarily were offered to a traditional client base of major and secondary institutional clients, inclusive of ANZ Bank, Westpac, Bank West, St. George Bank, Bank of Melbourne, Macquarie Bank, Bendigo Bank and many, many more, as well as the likes of Aussie Home Loans, RAMS, ING, etc.

It should be noted that the property valuation services offered at the commencement of the business terms of reference was focussed primarily for valuations and advisory centric to the mortgage industry.

As time has passed, these services have included property valuations of residential, commercial, industrial, retail, home and land packages to multi-unit apartment developments.

In essence, we have accumulated an enormous database both in relation to property participants and also informative data, pertaining to all facets of the real estate market.

Simply, First Valuation Group allowed its owners and team to provide not only simple and standard property valuation services, but allowed us to growinto a more advisory based entity. Lets not forget that our property valuation services have also grownfrom the mainstream financial institutional client to other areas of property valuation services inclusive of family law, rental determinations and feasibility studies on behalf of developers.

The property valuation services can also be categorised as providing specialist real estate advice. Having been within the industry for some 25 years or so, the logical next step was the integration from First Valuation Group – property valuation services to an affiliated entity of FVG Property which is the buyers advocate entity and is on the way to becoming one of Melbourne’s premier Buyers Advocate entities. Already some of our newly established clients acknowledge us as the number one Buyers Advocates Melbourne. A big title to live up to.

Now, after giving you some background as to how we started and why, our property valuation services are so, so important, I’ll answer the question of what are the benefits of using FVG Property in the capacity of your chosen Buyers Advocates.

1. Highly qualified and trained. Members of the Australian Property Institute, Real Estate Institute of Victoria, Royal Chartered Surveyors.

2. Professional and trusted. Being members of these organisations and as one of the leading Buyers Advocates Melbourne, we have a very high standard as well as adherence to all these organisations ‘Code of Ethics’.

3. Longevity within the Real Estate Industry, with constant upgrading and reviewing of skillset. As members of these organisations, continual upgrade of skills is required annually under Continuing Professional Development.

4. Valuation credentials. The ability to provide a finite value or value range under terms of industry standards and approaches. It is not simply finding sales to support an end result, but rather a method and approach of which is accepted by a court of law.

5. Live data capture. As a leading entity of property valuation services and a leading Buyers Advocate Melbourne, we have numerous databases that our competitors will not have.

6. Network. Our network is vast but even moreso as valuers, we have the ability to integrate both private and government networks to obtain up to date data and market analysis.

7. Negotiation skills. Simply longevity and the above points provide FVG Property with a large degree of an advantage as your Buyers Advocates.

8. Matters to consider and tick off. As Buyers Advocates, not only do we look at the whole transaction and even how an intending funder may look at the property.

9. A variety of skillsets for the same cost. Having multi skillsets shows the client peace of mind when transacting.

10. Buyers Advocates Melbourne. When using FVG Property and First Valuation Group, you know that we are Melbourne’s Centric both in regard to property valuations services and buyers advocates. We are not a national entity; we concentrate and specialise in Melbourne, and that is why our clients are of the belief that we are number one Buyer Advocates Melbourne.

For more information please contact us