Sales/leasing Services in Melbourne

Commercial Sales Consultants
FVG Property are successful participants and established real estate agents within the Commercial market, providing unparalleled professional service and results with skills within the Commercial Sales and Leasing Markets. Our team boasts 30 years’ experience in the industry, being personalised and dynamic in nature.
If you are looking for a result orientated outcome without the usual fanfare, call us for a free consultation. Simply, we are the “alternative” within the Commercial real estate market segment.
With FVG Property and its use of “live data”, leasing of commercial real estate is based on what is happening in the marketplace at any given time.
Commercial Leasing Consultants
To summarise what FVG Property do to provide our property owners with an alternative to the standard real estate agent may be summarised as follows:
Coupled with leasing operators being senior members and Directors of the company, enabling years of experience coupled with Specialisation in rent reviews for REIV, VSBC and the API.
Leasing of real estate can be difficult, that is why as a Landlord, you should be dealing with individuals and not brands of real estate.
For any leasing matter, try “the alternative”.