Medical Property Valuation Services Melbourne

FVG Property over recent times have undertaken due diligence within the medical industry and compiled a comprehensive database. Accordingly, FVG Property are deemed as a specialist in assessing current market value, rental determination and associated advisory within this specific and specialist area of real estate.
There are many reasons to advise, consult or value the real estate component of a medical associated property including but not limited to:
- Sale / Leasing of the Property
- Buy in or Retirement of Partner
- Merger with Group, Partnership etc.
FVG Property continually services many differing sub markets and over a fifteen year period has compiled an extensive database of current market evidence throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area.
Our involvement commenced initially within the small one to two practitioner clinics, we now service public listed entities within the determination of current market value and rental.
In short, the key to our success in this area have been due to our exposure to open market and varied transactions. This has allowed FVG Property to accurately assess current market value and current market rental.
Medical property data has enabled First Valuation Group to grow from Certified Practicing Valuers within this market segment to now provide advisory services.

Doctors and specialists even more so today require expert advice not just in regard to what the property is worth, but as the industry grows, so do the smaller practices. Therefore, expert advice is required to include all types of variances from:
Feasibility of what the project will include i.e. from two practitioners to eleven practitioners. What will the real estate component look like, and can we use it to raise funds? What is the current market rental? Not just a random number selected by your accountant, but a sum reflective of current market evidence and evidence that’s supported if need be within a court of law. Bearing in mind that the property has been purpose built, what do we insure the buildings for? We are thinking of selling the property as an investment. What is the most probable price and what is the best method to dispose of the property, and how do we do it?
The above gives a very concise overview of the many facets of individual property and what First Valuation Group can do in relation to the real estate process.
Medical Property valuations include the following matters of which are depicted within our standard valuation points:

These areas of expertise give the owner, shareholder and participants levels of value supported by up to date live data.